Bab 3 Skripsi

The research design of this study was categorized into a classroom action research. Classroom action research was a powerful tool for change and improvement at the local level. According to Kurt Lewin’s own work (one of action research’s founding fathers) was deliberately intended to change the life chances of disadvantaged groups in term of housing, employment, prejudice, socialization and training. Its combination of action and research has contributed to its attraction to researchers, teachers and the academic and educational community alike, (Louis Cohen, Lawrence Monion, and Keith Morrison: 2007). Reflection was done after the class was over. The teacher and the collaborator discuss ed about the observation result during the teaching and learning process in the classroom.

Reflection was done to see the success or the failure of what has been done in the previous action or during the action. It was to see what has been successful and has not been successful with the action. At last, the researcher decide d whether the implementation of the action me t the criteria of success or improving and revising the planning to conduct the next cycle. The subject of the study was the seventh grade A students of MTs Nurul Huda Dasuk in academic year 201 3 /201 4. There were two classes, but the researcher t ook the seventh grade A as object of study.

There were 32 students of the seventh grade A in the second semester of 20 1 3/20 1 4 academic year participating in this research. Then, the based competence of this study was the point of 12.2 in syllabus that refers to express the meaning in descriptive simple short essay accurately, harmoniously, and acceptably to communicate with the environment and/or academic context. Youtube kumkum bhagya today' s episodes

Bab 3 Metodologi Kajian

Bab 3 metodologi penelitian

Bab 3 Skripsi Kualitatif

(3) In given contact situation, the La's of learners at the same stage of proficiency roughly in the same form with major variations thinking that able to distinguish. Telah disetujui oleh dosen pembimbing Skripsi. Penguji 3 / Pendamping. BAB III METODE PENELITIAN. Apk hacked games for kindle 2. BAB III METODOLOGI PENELITIAN Pada bab ini diuraikan tentang metode penelitian yang digunakan penulis dalam menyusun skripsi yang dapat dilihat pada gambar 3.1 di bawah ini: 73 Gambar 3.1 Diagram Tahapan Metodologi Penelitian 3.1 Metode Pengumpulan Data Penyusunan skripsi ini dilakukan dengan. Skripsi bimbingan dan konseling skripsi bab 1 skripsi bahasa inggris tentang speaking skripsi bab 3 skripsi biaya kualitas terhadap penjualan skripsi bahasa inggris pdf. Skripsi bab 4. Skripsi bilangan cacah skripsi bab1 tentang penjualan obat diapotik skripsi bahasa indonesia tentang linguistik skripsi bisnis baju.pdf skripsi bank pembangunan.

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