Mickey Mouse Shorts Dvd
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Disney Mickey Mouse DVD Player DVD2050C Red Orange Eject Tray Malfunctions. Disney DVD Player. 5.0 out of 5 stars. 2 product ratings - Disney Mickey Mouse DVD. Lots of mickey mouse shorts by jj This set has accumulated 855 points based on views and sharing You like it? Make it famous: (1,709 views) Adorable Couple A Mickey Mouse Cartoon Disney Shows by Mickey Mouse 3:51 - 23,790,845 views.
Mickey Mouse Shorts Videos
Call me mainstream, but Mickey Mouse is my favorite Disney character. As the first prominent entity of the Walt Disney Company and a leadership figure for the studio’s family of characters, Mickey is one of animation’s rare characters whose personality extends beyond the confines of his established films. The impact of Mickey Mouse on popular culture goes further than a few laughs in a cartoon; it continues in the symbol of hope and optimism he was during the Great Depression, in the icon of the kiddie craze Mickey Mouse Club became to the 1950s, in the warm face he invites for a hug at the arrival of a Disney vacation after months or even years of saving money and dreaming of a fantastic time with family.
Honey singh video songs download. It is only fitting, then, that after a storied career reflective of a century-long history of America itself, Disney would look to its roots in seeking a new medium for its star to thrive in: the short cartoon. Developed from Disney Television Animation, Mickey Mouse is a series of 3.5-minute adventures starring the Toontown gang. First debuted in 2013, the show has won two consecutive Emmys for Outstanding Short-format Animated Program and is currently airing its second season on Disney Channel, with a third already in the works. Its first season just arrived to DVD as a Walmart exclusive. Everywhere else will have to wait for its wide release December 2.
The Shorts ✮ ✮✮✮ As its flagship character, Disney creates new content for Mickey on an ongoing basis. As of late, his biggest hits have been in the realm of theme parks (such as with the astounding Talking Mickey walk-around) and video games (namely Epic Mickey). Concerning film, though, anyone outside of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse‘s preschool demographic has been sans Mickey for a decade. These shorts prove the wait was worth it. Each segment of Mickey Mouse (19 of which are on this disc) is delightful: a careful, conscious blend of the beauty of the vintage 1930s Mickey shorts with just the right dash of adjustment for a 2014 audience.
Many of them take place in exotic, international locales, with some not even having English dialogue but instead matching the spotlighted nation’s language. The quick length (even by the standards of a short) compresses the action into a fun, frantic tone that complements the frazzled nature of the characters’ situations well. Each story also includes Disney references galore, some obvious and others subtle.

Mickey Mouse Shorts Dvd Toysrus
The best of these shorts are the ones that either a) infuse music at their center (like Yodelberg or The Adorable Couple), or b) test the boundaries of the characters’ friendships (like Potatoland). It’s fun to see these personalities played around with, and in this series animators get things particularly right for the dynamic between Mickey and Donald. Anytime the two share screentime, their contrast is wonderful. Poor Donald can’t catch a break, and poor Mickey can’t understand Donald’s ongoing frustration.
The entire collection has a distinctive look. Everything is stylized in a way Rotoscopers founder Morgan Stradling once described as “Paper Mario-like,” which nails it pretty well.
Mickey Mouse Shorts Season 2 Dvd
Mickey is pie-eyed and loose; the background art is sketch-like and rustic. The environment has a Mary Blair-esque touch to it, with the look being cartoony without tracing obnoxious. Whereas Disney Television Animation’s other projects with Mickey and company (like my jam House of Mouse) took a louder, wackier approach to these characters, here the toil is in preservation of their initial intrinsic qualities. There is not so much effort to keep them relevant as there is an intentionality to keep them true to who they were originally intended to be. In some cases, this means quite drastic changes. The years-of-experience, patriarchal Mickey is swapped in favor of a mouse who seems to be just getting his start: plucky and mischievous but still embodying the kindhearted qualities that will propel him toward a legendary career. Here, Mickey is helpful and loyal but also a bit on the wild side.