Terence Roman Playwright
(Full name Publius Terentius Afer) Roman playwright. Terence is best known for the elegant language, symmetrical plots, and complex, sympathetic characterizations exhibited in his six comedies. Download this stock image: Publius Terentius Afer or Terence, a Roman playwright during the Roman Republic - M72856 from Alamy's library of millions of high. Mime tradition, one Roman playwright, Terence, retained his reputation through the early Middle Ages, probably because of his literary style. Western theatre: Imitation of Greek models theatre, Plautus and Terence (who came from lower-class backgrounds), were both influenced by the New Comedy of the Greeks, and their plays retained the. Concerning Roman playwrights, there are only a few well recognized ones, as most plays were either destroyed or author-less. Here are the most notable/famous playwrights: Having grown up a slave, Terence used his undeniable talent to amount to become a well known playwright in the Roman Republic.
COMEDY: PLAUTUS & TERENCE The first comic dramas that the Romans saw were based on the Greek “new comedies” of the kind staged in Athens from about 400 to 200 BC. Their hallmarks included stratagems and counter-stratagems, stock characters (young lovers, scheming slave, family hanger-on), and standard situations (obstacles to young love, mistaken identities, revelations of true identity), with some musical accompaniment.
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The principal writer of the Greek “new comedy” was Menander (342 - c. 292 BC), who influenced Plautus and Terence.
This second-century or early first-century mosaic from Pompeii illustrates a scene from Menander's Ladies at Lunch, of which only a few lines survive. (VRoma: National Archaeological Museum, Naples: Barbara McManus) Titus Maccus Plautus (254 - 184 BC) was not the first of these Roman dramatists, but of 130 plays attributed to him twenty have survived. This in itself is a measure of popularity, were it not also that in spite of being based on earlier Greek models, his work retains a raw freshness of its own. He devised ways of adapting Greek verse metres to the Latin language, and introduced to audiences whose taste had tended towards farce and slapstick several varieties of literary comedy, such as burlesque and domestic and romantic pieces in which verbal fireworks replaced crude banter.
Terence Roman Playwright
He also surmounted the problem of playing consecutive scenes, without any break between them, in front of a standard back-drop, usually a street with entrances to two houses. Marble relief of theatre set design with three entrance doors. (VRoma: AICT) Plautus was born in Sarsina, a small village in Umbria, but left home early to go to Rome. He first worked as a stage props-man, and then, with the money he had earned, set himself up in some kind of business.
Terence Roman Theatre
When that failed, he took a job turning a baker’s handmill, which he was able to give up after writing his first three plays. Mosaic of comic masks of a young woman and a slave. (VRoma: Capitoline Museums, Rome: Barbara McManus) Publius Terentius Afer (c.185 - 159 BC) was brought to Rome as a slave, possibly from Africa.